Sunday, November 2, 2014

Upcoming Indie Game: Faceless

A multiplayer horror game. Tell me please tell me if you've heard of any game that's a multiplayer horror game. If done right we could see a whole slew more of these but until then this is the only one (that I've heard of) that is trying horror with your friends. 

The game modes found in their site ( are pretty interesting. 
There's the regular slender man set up (though they claim it's not connected to Slenderman at all). They have dolls scattered throughout the map and you need to collect them all and burn them to potentially "escape".There's also a "Versus" mode that one of your amigos is Slenderman and you need to kill your friends to win while they collect the dolls to escape. Another option is called "RUN". You run through maps as fast as you can avoiding Slenderman at all the maps. at the 3rd map you can escape. And the last mode is called "Hysterical Blindness" where one of your friends or you is Slenderman but that person will look like a regular person. The person who is Slenderman must kill everyone without people catching on who you really are.

It's pretty interesting if you ask me. But it doesn't matter how interesting it is if they don't release it anytime soon. But here's a trailer for the time being for what it could look like at the end. At the time of this post their latest update of the project was from July.

Creepy things you do out of games

There's a lot of things I do that comes straight out of games. I make sound effects when they sound appropriate for the situation (dun dun dun Duuuuun). To saying odd catchphrases that only my geeky friends would get. There are some things in this video though even though they're awkward I really do feel like doing. Like skipping dialogue, Barging through houses and looting them like it wasn't a big deal, solving puzzles. Things like that make me wish sometimes life was a videogame... if it wasn't awkward at least.

What would you do in a home invasion?

This may be paranoia speaking but I'm constantly afraid of that. It's probably the movies that make me think of that but no matter how safe I feel I know things can go south in an instant. I try to make short plans in my head when I hear an unexpected noise. "So I know that I have my laptop here, if I use the edge of that to hit the 'perps' I'd be good. This thing is pure aluminum!" Stuff like that I think of at night. Reading from that description though that might not be a good plan. Maybe I'll feel completely safe if I made my own iron man suit. 

But anyways, my neighborhood is "gated". You could wait at the gate for at most 10 min and someone that lives here would have a clicker to open the gate. So it's not full proof. My neighbors don't know who we are for the most part (which is our fault). And we live in a city that fosters crime with low levels of education and opportunity in the working world. 

Wow looking at this list scares me. You know I made this list to see if there were any qualities that I could think of. But I can't think of any...really I can't think of any... Well If any robber reads this just know I have an aluminum laptop that I can use as a bat. You've been warned -_-... And I may have a gun ...suckah!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Crashing and burning

Another thought out of my stream of ponderings. Fight or flight. Have you ever wondered what would you do in a certain situation when it really comes right down to it. I'm fascinated with the thought of failing at things and what people do afterwards. It's like a fork on the road where nothing happens. They think "Is it time to buckle up and go on another ride or this is it... I'm done." 

On one road it's completely depressing. You failed. It's over. You'll look back at this moment as either a mistake or something that you thought you didn't have what it takes. You'll be broken and not be the same hopeful self.

On the other road you shrug off the mess of this attempt and you think of the next trial. You think positive, and its contagious. You keep your hope alive. 

Both roads have their debates. But it depends on the person how much they're worth. But really when it comes to dreams it is always good to shoot for the stars. You'll regret it if you don't try. Martin Luther king never saw his dream come true, but does that mean he was unsuccessful in his attempt? Thomas Edison made numerous attempts at the making of the light bulb only to fail completely time after time. If he didn't fail would he understand the dynamics of containing light in a bulb? Disney was told he had no imagination when he was starting out, would we have a Disney empire if he listened to them? My belief is choose your dreams no matter how high, then set yourself to follow them through.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Do we need heroes to look up to?

I never had a thing for looking up to heroes. I knew if I had one then there is always an opportunity for them to fail. Lance Armstrong is a stupendous example. I keep looking at interviews from him that all he does is practice more than the next guy. Now he admits to doping before races and he will be in history as the Tour de France liar. Total let down to everyone that believed he won the Tour de France 7 times in a row on his own.

This is probably coming from someone that has Daddy issues but I really do feel looking up to people is worth it for certain things. Not everything. Certain aspects to them are worth trying to go after. Like being massively productive and getting everything done which I try my hardest to do. I admire people that can get things done with little resources and have the raw drive to get themselves to their goal. Steve jobs was that way as well as Steve Wozniak and that's why their the tech idols of today.

How I live is I nit pick which skills to go after and I relentlessly go after them with a fierce focus. I take the hero element out of the equation since even when they do fall it won't matter and I won't drop the skill because the person didn't mean much to me rather than the skill(s). Some people drop everything about the hero even with their well attained skill since that skill represents something from that perceived hero has. That skill is an attachment to what he represents. We just throw it all away, anything that comes from them. Like we're disgusted of what we discovered and have to throw away everything that represents them. In my experience it's better to take out the human element out of it altogether. I'm not saying that this is the right approach as some people do need a superman in their life in one way or another but it is something that helped me in my way of life.

Monday, May 5, 2014

My thoughts on "The Amazing Spiderman 2" -spoilers-

Gwen Stacey died. My head keeps revolving to that. I knew it would happen but I didn't think it would happen on this movie. I thought it would be on the third one. But, she dies. It's one of those feelings of loss that makes me feel so much for this movie. 

After Harry fights Peter, Gwen falls in the clock tower. Peter tries to save her slinging his web to prevent her fall to her death. Just as his web gets to her its too late. She hits her head on the ground while her body floats in the air with the web. Peter not noticing this until he goes down to the floor level sees that she's not waking up.

I usually hate endings like this but it continues with peter coming back to Gwen's tombstone for 5 months, New York reporting that it misses spiderman, And Peter being utterly depressed... Until, he watches her graduation speech as a valedictorian in her class.  

Hope is the main message of this film. Hope is what Gwen talked about in her speech. And hope is what got him out of mourning and to become Spiderman again. He represents hope in bleak circumstances that there's no way out. Which I would say New York represents the tough circumstances we have to swing by. We can't stop having hope or else we get consumed by our dark situations. Never believing that we can get out. There's never not a way out. We just need to keep hope alive and believe.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why do people hate work?

If you really think about it why do we hate work. The jobs that we do help put food on the table, clothes on our backs, and burns a hole in our pocket to spend. Why can't we appreciate work. I wanted to understand this concept so I can appreciate my job better. I made a list of my examination.

1. I don't have interest in the product.
Put me in front of a game/computer system and I'll list the benefits right there. Even put up the disadvantages of owning it and bending over backwards for you to get it anyways despite the fact but any other things I try to sell I generally have the feeling of "meh". Especially when you could get that thing for cheaper and better quality somewhere else. It just feels like robbery in that case.

2. Are you truly helping anyone with this product?
With computers I would say a dominant Yes! But anything else it's truly a hit and miss. With customer service for a certain bank I sometimes felt I was supporting a greed lurching cockroach with a hidden agenda that only benefitted the bank other than it's own customers. If I wanted to keep that job I would do as I'm told and roll with it but it still didn't sit right with me. Looking back I thought how could I work for such a company. But really the question is  does any business really deal honestly anymore? But that's a question for another day.

3. Boss' always demand better results, never rewards.
Have you ever had that boss that always demanded better of you. When you reached that critical goal no praise came afterwards but more railings on how we're not good enough and that we need to be better. Having that from 6 months to a year is taxing mentally especially when you work so hard and nothing seems to be just "fine". More and more is being demanded and more and more you give only to be slapped that "You could do better." Aggravating.

4. The pay is not worth the job itself.
There are some jobs that you try to help the customer and after you helped them they beat you to a pulp mentally for you saying something to them that they weren't expecting. Customer service jobs know what I'm talking about and this happens to no end. How many times I talk to a customer and they're nice as can be only at the end they're screaming at me in horror like I offended their grandbaby's honor by charging a fee to their account (a small fee, that they could easily pay) which was clearly their fault to begin with. This alone put me through so many headaches. Why would I want to go through this drama again and again?

With all these points being said how can we overcome these hurdles so we can actually enjoy these short term careers and live happy (sane) lives.

1. Don't take things personally. Do whatever it takes to take on this method. Everything that customers say may hurt you. That is their intention to make you feel what they feel. Most of the time it's not professional to get down to their level of emotion. Just don't let it happen. Be courteous and nice and go your way. (Easier said than done right?) You'll have a more calm demeanor when expecting bad behavior and being prepared what to do when you meet that behavior.

2. Really evaluate who you are helping.
Take a deep examination and put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you received bad service? What if this service is the only service they could use for some reason? Is it really that bad that you're helping them? Think about it really intently.

3. Be the person that can help.
More specifically be that person that can make things better. If the only way to make things better is by being a manager then shoot for that position. Aim to help yourself improve with the company or the service you are in. Be creative. Add suggestions. 

4. If all else fails...
Quit. If it's really that bad of a place then it may be better for you to quit altogether. It'll save you and others trouble if you're bitter hearted to the point of hating life. There maybe something better for you if you honestly examined yourself to see why you hate the job so much. In short of being a drug dealer if you can't see any benefits to keep your job then look somewhere else. But really be honest with yourself.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Power of love

I noticed now what drives me to go toward my goals. It may seem silly or even weird but it all matters of what's in your heart. Think about it. What draws you close to the ones you love. Don't you make decisions for the people you love? Why do you love them? How do you love? What drastic decisions have you made for a loved one? Let that sink in for a moment. Love is a powerful motivator to get toward your goal. But how do you love? You let it happen. You choose what or who you let in and cultivate it from there. And you would do anything for those you love if it's strong enough. That goes the same for goals. What you put in your heart is where your treasures are.

I knew this concept but I didn't see it in this point of view. It's very simple and easy. If you really think about it you've seen it all your life. Try thinking of a man who was so fixated upon money. Nothing else matters to him but money. His heart is full of greed, or, his heart was fully invested in money itself. We can guide our sails toward the horizons we want to go only if we figure out how to get there and how to steer.

Try this concept and see for yourself. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Einstein

This quote above keeps ringing in my mind. And yet, I still do the same thing waiting for different results. It may be the way I grew up where everything was just given to me with minimal to no effort. Just taking from my parents hands. I'm just done with it all. 

My new job is at pest control rather than call center work and I just found out now that I only have a one day weekend. Forget the fact I have finals this week, forget the fact that my job drains me every time I'm done with it, and my family barely sees me now. I just feel I have no control over things like this. I feel perpetually stuck and still waiting for someone else to get me out. Like a superhero to save the day.

I guess it took me a couple years to get this but... The only person that can save me is me. There's no one that's going to randomly give you a fortune just because they like you. There's only 2 people out there. Those that are willing to do and those that are willing to sit and wait. And sadly I was one of them. Sitting on a miracle that I could only muster myself. I am done waiting. I'm doing.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


When ever I imagine my problems I make them a character in my imagination. They're usually monsters that I have a difficult time slaying. But the more time I stay with the monster (the problem) the more I figure out how to beat it. 

It gets me sort of angry that we created so many ways to run away from our problems. Drinking, drugs, binging habits. The monster always gets you at the end. It's usually 10x worse than the problem began. Don't be your own monster.