Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Power of love

I noticed now what drives me to go toward my goals. It may seem silly or even weird but it all matters of what's in your heart. Think about it. What draws you close to the ones you love. Don't you make decisions for the people you love? Why do you love them? How do you love? What drastic decisions have you made for a loved one? Let that sink in for a moment. Love is a powerful motivator to get toward your goal. But how do you love? You let it happen. You choose what or who you let in and cultivate it from there. And you would do anything for those you love if it's strong enough. That goes the same for goals. What you put in your heart is where your treasures are.

I knew this concept but I didn't see it in this point of view. It's very simple and easy. If you really think about it you've seen it all your life. Try thinking of a man who was so fixated upon money. Nothing else matters to him but money. His heart is full of greed, or, his heart was fully invested in money itself. We can guide our sails toward the horizons we want to go only if we figure out how to get there and how to steer.

Try this concept and see for yourself.