Sunday, September 16, 2012

Apple...what are you becoming?

There's a lot of things that I look forward to in coming years. Christmas..Birthdays..and new Apple product announcements (even though I don't own anything apple). I think their products are great regardless if I have the money to throw at them whenever a new product appears. They often push the envelope on giving us the sweetest new edge of sexy gadgets that can do the newest things sooner than anyone else is issuing them out...until now.
Just look at this thing. Looks like a steaming pot full of awesome gadgetry. And you'd be wrong. Just see what's different. If you said bigger screen then that's correct. If you knew the specs of it than you know they have a faster processor and a better face time camera. But then I wish Steve jobs was still here to tell us "One more thing" but sadly what you see is what you get. I mean this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It definitely in my opinion needed a bigger screen and sure a faster processor is excellent if you want to stay ahead of the game but what else is there? Last year it was Siri being the hot new thing in 4s devices. Year before that it was the face time cam that was revolutionary. But now ..what does this thing boast? Basically what it's doing is what every other cell phone maker was doing for years. Put in a faster processor and huger screen, maybe a better camera and here you go (go crazy).

My rant isn't all on this phone but what the company is becoming. This was supposed to be an event that showed this company can still be innovative and strong without Steve jobs since as he claims the company is stood upon great people. But it takes vision to get all those great people to work beautifully together. Sadly that vision seems to be gone...6 feet under in Jobs grave. If this is what the new Apple is becoming into then it may be the beginning of mediocrity for Apple. And the start of many weeping Apple fans.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nothing lasts forever?

Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday. Next day is Tuesday. And the next is wednesday.  No I'm not singing a Rebecca Black song. I'm just recounting that these days everyday stay constant. Monday doesn't just up and deccide to take Wednesday's place and Tuesday doesn't just jump into cool Saturday's place either. It all stays constant. Then why can't regular life be that way.

But it isn't. Things change. We learn and grow to take advantage and accept these changes but doesn't anybody wonder sometimes that we could wish the world to stop for just one moment.

What recently has been happening is now both our roommate's are moving out. Not at the same time but close enough that we both will miss them. We love our roomies and its sad we have to say good bye to them soon. One is getting married to this great guy and the other just had  difference of opinion with our rules and is leaving on good terms. When people go out if our lives I wonder how many times will I see in the future good friends to go. It isn't the same in life when they leave. So I always take a moment to think about people that mean a lot to me in my life. My room mates will be in my thoughts while they go in their separate ways. I really do hope for the best for the best for them. Cheers for having friends in our lives.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


     I been reading Steven Kings : On writing a memoir of the craft. Pure writing goodness coming from that book. He simply starts with his childhood to his growth as a man being married with a couple of kids and how he has evolved as a writer through his life just to make you see he didn't become the way he is by knowing any prestigious person that brought him along but he is truly a schmuck just like you and me. He tells of his first book hitting it big named "Carrie" and the news of how much money he was surprised to rake in out of a novel he thought wouldn't do so well in the first place. If anyone is going into writing they need to read this book and they will be much more prepared for the life of a writer.
     Which is the life that I'm wanting to get into. I hope I make gravitating stories for people to read. I recently made a story about a guy that was a janitor who wakes up in the middle of the woods naked. He then tries to figure out who did this to him. Why is he naked? Why are agents from the government after him? It's a short story. I hope other people will look at it and see some potential. But that's what it is so far.
     Is there anyone's advice out there that I should listen to before I get into this journey?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA & PIPA dynamic duo to take over the internet!

Well if you're reading this from out of the states here's the latest of what's going on. The United States is going through a pressure of sorts to help with anti-pirating efforts. The American Congress on Jan. 24th will decide whether to ratify (approve) a bill that will supposedly help the fight to destroy pirating online once and for all. Basically what it does is gives power to big companies to ban sites from pirating illegal copyrighted materials. Like say Warner Brothers is banning sites like pirate bay to ban it from distributing movies like "The Dark Knight". Which when you look at it that way it's not such a bad thing since that's what that site is made for anyways. But Say That same company bans a youtube clip that only shows a drawing of Batman in that clip describing that very same movie "The Dark Knight". They could ban it saying it conflicts copyright laws. You see how much of a stretch it can possibly be if the bill is enforced? The way it's worded is vague in the PIPA document that congress has written up and can bring about corruption if this bill is ever passed. It controls the internet too much and ultimately sites will be forced to scan every little bit of data just so it can avoid any shutdown from any company that might go to their site and decide this site should be banned just for one copyrighted infringement that could be entirely unintentional. These bills are too restrictive and will suffocate the very free nature of the internet. Be informed and go to these site to look at the bills in question. SOPA & PIPA

Here's how PIPA works in a nutshell:

For more info and how to petition click on the google link below.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year resolutions

2012 is today. Its first new day. Breath that new 2012 air. Because in a couple months that air will turn to ash. At least thats what some people think with that Mayan calendar hubbub.But what are your resolutions before the end of the world? I have none. Why do I have no resolutions?

I was thinking about about resolutions today and I thought of something interesting. If you simply breakdown the word resolution it simply is re • solution. As in your solutioning again for a goal your trying to achieve.  Goals shouldn't be made one time a year. It should be made many times until you achieve them. So don't be too down on yourself if you don't make a goal (like you ever are when you break a resolution goal) but if you keep going you have no choice that you attain your goal.

That's my goal speech for the day :)