Monday, December 19, 2011

So... Im married!

So here's a news flash. Im married. Can you believe that? (Even though all of you have never met me before except maybe a particular few!) But yes i been married for 9 days so far right now. Time flies. It feels like I just got married in an instant and it hasn't really hit me completely yet that I'm married. During me and my wife's reception I asked a couple of people advice on how to keep a marriage going like they have been. The answer is always the same (at least to the guys point of view).

1. Always say yes dear.
2. If the wife ain't happy ain't nobody happy.
3. Go out on date night.
4. Never go to bed angry.

Always these same advice. Is it that apparent that we as human beings do the same things to grant us this same typical advice. Sooo I experimented. I know I'm only 9 days in but I might as well test this all out and so far this is what I came up with

 1. Always say yes dear..... My wife can attest to this but I do not always say yes. I fight back. In joking ways and ...not so joking ways depending on the topic. Though you just have to pick your battles. You can't just fight on every little topic. You have to use tactical skill to know what your enemy (or..significant other) wants and how to give it to them appropriately according to you.

 2. If the wife ain't happy ain't nobody happy..... Well I also have a saying. "If the husband ain't happy the wife won't be happy either." Sometimes I think we forget it's equal ground here. The wife and husband has to have equality or it won't really progress like it should. A 50/50 partnership. Not 80/20 Partnerships that I mostly see out there with macho men everywhere thinking it's their duty to make every decision while women make the babies and make guys sandwiches. It's just isn't right. Though I do see the Ideal that men are most of the time prideful and it does get in the way of making good decisions and the reasoning that women are mostly right. But in general guys don't let pride get in the way of making your woman happy it just isn't worth it.

 3. Go out on date night..... Me and My wife already do this and is a Godsend. Dates are there to remind you why you even care about the person in the first place. But sadly when kids come in some don't even try to do date night because of frustrated schedules with work and kids. A person told me "when those 20 years are up and the kids aren't around anymore then who would be there afterwards after all that? Your significant other. You can't just ignore her (or him) for 20 years and expect a still standing relationship after all that. It'll end in divorce." Well said advice. It makes sense and I don't want to experiment with not dating to find out if my relationship still stands.

 4. Never go to bed angry..... Well believe it or not in these 9 days there was this one time that me and my wife went to bed angry. I was angry over a dumb joke and laid there silent against my wife. It's chilling. I have no idea what she is going to do when she has stopped talking and reasoning with me. Then all of a sudden she left my bedside and went straight to the closet. A few minutes later I went to the closet to see what she is doing. She was just reading a book. We then talked about what happened and dealt with the situation. And then it was resolved. But then I thought what if we didn't resolve it. This is what I would imagine in my head. In the morning the silence would be deafening. And my pride would get in the way of saying anything. Ending in ill remarks to each other and not even trying to resolve it to each other. Not knowing when this will end.

So all in all it's all just a work in progress. Take note if you haven't noticed. I'm new in the married world and have alot to learn. But It's exciting and scary learning them all. Take everything I learned with a grain of salt.