Friday, December 30, 2011

What's your fuel? part 2

So more on my study of motivation. I recently got a job in sales. Im selling Cutco knives for Cutco mareketing. And it's pretty legit company. They're really the real deal. Their product is extra sharp more than the compeition can even care to keep up with. There is just no one rivaling them. The only thing is if you haven't heard of Cutco knives thus far in life (like i have till recently) it's because they do their advertisements all word of mouth. So what does this have to do with motivation?

They're the most awesome knives but... i'm just not feeling it. I go to peoples houses and I just run through the script they give me with my personality attached to it to avoid looking like a robot. But it isn't enough. You have to be excited about the product. "It cuts stuff extra sharp" But I'm thinking.... so how can this change your life really? I thought me being a missionary transforming into a  salesman would be a piece of delicious cherry cake. But no. I have no passion for it, not like I did on the mission. Probably because I knew I was doing it for a purpose. A solid purpose to help people find meaning in their lives and give them direction to know where to go in life. Lead them to a happier peaceful direction. How can you do that with knives. well.... you can cut people up but that would put you on the opposite side of that very solid direction.

So you need to find what moves you to do things. What is it that tasks need to move you out of a motionless state. It has to be of good worth to you. Something that grabs you and won't let go. This one will take a little soul searching to find out.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

What's your fuel?

I always had trouble being inspired to do something. Something that wasn't easy or even clever for people to benefit from. I always wanted to do something of that sort. Being creative and making others inspired. Well if you are not inspired how can anybody feel inspired right? So I was set out to go and see very famous people and see how they got inspired. What motivated them? I went from Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, Tiger Woods (...before all his affairs), and even the late Steve Jobs before he died. These men were clearly driven to do what they do. Do what they love. So it made it simple for me what the first step was.

What do I love to do? The problem with this question is within my generation. From the moment you were born everything was planned for you. At a certain age you will definitely go to school and then at another certain age you will attend a different school. Finally when you reach another certain age your expected to know what you want pick those classes that you need and then your on your way to become a classic brand of contributing society.....which doesn't really work. This is the age of get things now and worry about it later. My generation is the league of xbox's where you don't really worry about the future since it tends to work itself out anyways with your parents going in front of you making sure things are ready for your future. That's great and all but where is the initial responsibility for the child to be prepared for the real world.

When I went on a 2 year mission for my church there was no parent there to hold my hand. No soft spoken person to give me direction. No person to help me at all! I suffered but I survived. There was so many rough moments but the main thing was I learned from them. And that's what I needed in my life. This life is a life of you get out there and actually make something of yourself and no one will hold your hand. Everyone is doing the same thing trying to make something out of themselves. They're not at all in it to help. And if your not there to pick yourself up then how can anybody try to help you in the first place.

So in general I fight this so much. What do I really want to do in my life? I prayed about it and some answers come. But without passion that comes behind it it's nothing. So I experimented with famous peoples words for awhile and this one stuck out to me.

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." -Steve Jobs

I experimented with this quote and tried to really put in my heart that any moment I could die so why not make the most of it. And at present I feel more awakened to do things I never have sat down and really focused on. Now i'm doing this blog at presently 6:51 am which is not normal for me (who usually wakes up at 10 am). And suddenly I have plans to play and practice guitar so then I can make songs of my ideals and stories. Also I plan on being a web designer so I can get money quickly since I already took a class in highschool  to do it.

All these things just came to me once I instituted that quote to myself that since I will die I will make the most out of everything.

More on this on a later post. :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Where did Christmas go?

Have you ever sat down and realized how great Christmas is? Every year we get a sense that oh snap now theres Christmas music everywhere now lets get our Christmas on!! But what does that mean? Does it mean getting a whole boat load of presents and then wait for Christmas day so we can open them? Is that just it?

Whatever happened to Christmas is not in the gift it's in the heart of you giving to one another that makes it Christmas. Somehow this message got lost in getting a new xbox or getting a flatscreen tv for ourselves and not really thinking about one another. Sure we would buy gifts to eachother and look forward to eating a huge feast. But then it's more about us then it is about helping someone get happier.

I remember this one time that I was 7 (i think...) and I was so excited about giving to the poor. My Dad scheduled on Christmas day we would help give gifts to the poor. I thought about it and imagined how great it would be to give gifts to little kids like me, gifts that they never really had. I remembered seeing the list of those poor kids had (alot of kids wanted sony walkmans) and thought i would like to have that . The days went on until it was Christmas day. I came out of my room and then there was my Dad. He waited for me to open my presents. I opened them and I said "WOW I LOVE IT!" I don't remember what it was. Then after all the gifts were opened and all my brothers opened theirs my Dad looked at me and said alright lets go. I looked at my toys and then looked back at my Dad and said "I don't want to go." then played on with my toys. I really wish my Dad told me firmly to go with him. But he was just shocked and went alone. I wish I went and did that service for those poor kids. It would have been more memorable than me playing with toys I have no idea i had now. Having that memory still repeats every year when I look back at this time.

So if lack of Christmas spirit effected me when I was 7, imagine kids now! Black Friday sales keep heating up to being riots. Children keep getting more selfish. And celebrating a Birth of someone that was completely selfless and somehow companies making this a selfish holiday for their benefit isn't what I think he had in mind.

So what is there to do to make the season actually a wholesome one? Give thought to giving. Not expensive gifts or not even gifts at all. Maybe giving of oneself to anyone's needs is enough. Give a little thought to the gifts you give rather than getting a new Iphone4s to anyone for Christmas. If they discovered this blog and knew you were following through with this for sure they would hate me. But your gift would be unforgettable if they feel the weight of your heart in it. Guaranteed!

Try this time and make Christmas Christmas again!

Monday, December 19, 2011

So... Im married!

So here's a news flash. Im married. Can you believe that? (Even though all of you have never met me before except maybe a particular few!) But yes i been married for 9 days so far right now. Time flies. It feels like I just got married in an instant and it hasn't really hit me completely yet that I'm married. During me and my wife's reception I asked a couple of people advice on how to keep a marriage going like they have been. The answer is always the same (at least to the guys point of view).

1. Always say yes dear.
2. If the wife ain't happy ain't nobody happy.
3. Go out on date night.
4. Never go to bed angry.

Always these same advice. Is it that apparent that we as human beings do the same things to grant us this same typical advice. Sooo I experimented. I know I'm only 9 days in but I might as well test this all out and so far this is what I came up with

 1. Always say yes dear..... My wife can attest to this but I do not always say yes. I fight back. In joking ways and ...not so joking ways depending on the topic. Though you just have to pick your battles. You can't just fight on every little topic. You have to use tactical skill to know what your enemy (or..significant other) wants and how to give it to them appropriately according to you.

 2. If the wife ain't happy ain't nobody happy..... Well I also have a saying. "If the husband ain't happy the wife won't be happy either." Sometimes I think we forget it's equal ground here. The wife and husband has to have equality or it won't really progress like it should. A 50/50 partnership. Not 80/20 Partnerships that I mostly see out there with macho men everywhere thinking it's their duty to make every decision while women make the babies and make guys sandwiches. It's just isn't right. Though I do see the Ideal that men are most of the time prideful and it does get in the way of making good decisions and the reasoning that women are mostly right. But in general guys don't let pride get in the way of making your woman happy it just isn't worth it.

 3. Go out on date night..... Me and My wife already do this and is a Godsend. Dates are there to remind you why you even care about the person in the first place. But sadly when kids come in some don't even try to do date night because of frustrated schedules with work and kids. A person told me "when those 20 years are up and the kids aren't around anymore then who would be there afterwards after all that? Your significant other. You can't just ignore her (or him) for 20 years and expect a still standing relationship after all that. It'll end in divorce." Well said advice. It makes sense and I don't want to experiment with not dating to find out if my relationship still stands.

 4. Never go to bed angry..... Well believe it or not in these 9 days there was this one time that me and my wife went to bed angry. I was angry over a dumb joke and laid there silent against my wife. It's chilling. I have no idea what she is going to do when she has stopped talking and reasoning with me. Then all of a sudden she left my bedside and went straight to the closet. A few minutes later I went to the closet to see what she is doing. She was just reading a book. We then talked about what happened and dealt with the situation. And then it was resolved. But then I thought what if we didn't resolve it. This is what I would imagine in my head. In the morning the silence would be deafening. And my pride would get in the way of saying anything. Ending in ill remarks to each other and not even trying to resolve it to each other. Not knowing when this will end.

So all in all it's all just a work in progress. Take note if you haven't noticed. I'm new in the married world and have alot to learn. But It's exciting and scary learning them all. Take everything I learned with a grain of salt.