Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA & PIPA dynamic duo to take over the internet!

Well if you're reading this from out of the states here's the latest of what's going on. The United States is going through a pressure of sorts to help with anti-pirating efforts. The American Congress on Jan. 24th will decide whether to ratify (approve) a bill that will supposedly help the fight to destroy pirating online once and for all. Basically what it does is gives power to big companies to ban sites from pirating illegal copyrighted materials. Like say Warner Brothers is banning sites like pirate bay to ban it from distributing movies like "The Dark Knight". Which when you look at it that way it's not such a bad thing since that's what that site is made for anyways. But Say That same company bans a youtube clip that only shows a drawing of Batman in that clip describing that very same movie "The Dark Knight". They could ban it saying it conflicts copyright laws. You see how much of a stretch it can possibly be if the bill is enforced? The way it's worded is vague in the PIPA document that congress has written up and can bring about corruption if this bill is ever passed. It controls the internet too much and ultimately sites will be forced to scan every little bit of data just so it can avoid any shutdown from any company that might go to their site and decide this site should be banned just for one copyrighted infringement that could be entirely unintentional. These bills are too restrictive and will suffocate the very free nature of the internet. Be informed and go to these site to look at the bills in question. SOPA & PIPA

Here's how PIPA works in a nutshell:

For more info and how to petition click on the google link below.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year resolutions

2012 is today. Its first new day. Breath that new 2012 air. Because in a couple months that air will turn to ash. At least thats what some people think with that Mayan calendar hubbub.But what are your resolutions before the end of the world? I have none. Why do I have no resolutions?

I was thinking about about resolutions today and I thought of something interesting. If you simply breakdown the word resolution it simply is re • solution. As in your solutioning again for a goal your trying to achieve.  Goals shouldn't be made one time a year. It should be made many times until you achieve them. So don't be too down on yourself if you don't make a goal (like you ever are when you break a resolution goal) but if you keep going you have no choice that you attain your goal.

That's my goal speech for the day :)