Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nothing lasts forever?

Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday. Next day is Tuesday. And the next is wednesday.  No I'm not singing a Rebecca Black song. I'm just recounting that these days everyday stay constant. Monday doesn't just up and deccide to take Wednesday's place and Tuesday doesn't just jump into cool Saturday's place either. It all stays constant. Then why can't regular life be that way.

But it isn't. Things change. We learn and grow to take advantage and accept these changes but doesn't anybody wonder sometimes that we could wish the world to stop for just one moment.

What recently has been happening is now both our roommate's are moving out. Not at the same time but close enough that we both will miss them. We love our roomies and its sad we have to say good bye to them soon. One is getting married to this great guy and the other just had  difference of opinion with our rules and is leaving on good terms. When people go out if our lives I wonder how many times will I see in the future good friends to go. It isn't the same in life when they leave. So I always take a moment to think about people that mean a lot to me in my life. My room mates will be in my thoughts while they go in their separate ways. I really do hope for the best for the best for them. Cheers for having friends in our lives.